Enjoy! - Rob
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Friday, July 26, 2013
39 Weeks
How far along? 39 weeks - hopefully my last weekly update
Size: Watermelon - and I believe it. For the longest time I couldn't imagine there was an actual baby in there. This week, however, I am 100% positive there is a full grown baby that I will be delivering.
Size: Watermelon - and I believe it. For the longest time I couldn't imagine there was an actual baby in there. This week, however, I am 100% positive there is a full grown baby that I will be delivering.
Maternity clothes? Same stuff
Symptoms: Very tired. I have stuff to do, but having a hard time getting it done. I am still waking up sick, so that has kept me in bed a little longer. Poor Cooper has been missing his morning walks.
Sleep: Great! I'm usually an anti-napper, but an afternoon nap is essential on most days. Instead of fighting it, I am listening to my body and taking advantage of the time I have to relax.
Best moment this week: Cramming in a ton of yoga and froyo dates.
Sleep: Great! I'm usually an anti-napper, but an afternoon nap is essential on most days. Instead of fighting it, I am listening to my body and taking advantage of the time I have to relax.
Best moment this week: Cramming in a ton of yoga and froyo dates.
I was able to catch up with some coworkers at our favorite Indian restaurant - bring on the spices!
Oh, and we finally got the car seat installed, major check off of our list.
Worst moment of the week: Sadly, my parents lost their lovely golden retriever, Abbie. She was my first puppy and the sweetest dog ever. She would give you the saddest puppy eyes that would melt your heart (even as a twelve year old!). We will miss her, but know she is better off now.
Abbie as a puppy - Abbie last year |
Also my family left for our annual trip to Lake Tahoe - we are sad that we won't be able to join this year, but looking forward to seeing all the pictures! Baby A will have to wait a year until he experiences his first alpine glow ;)
Miss anything? My energy! I am looking forward to any adrenaline I can get.
Movement: He is still moving around in there, but less than previous weeks. My doctor said he is really low and has run out of room - I'll take it.
Food cravings: Sweets. Roberts coworkers threw him a shower and bought cake from Everything Bundt Cakes, so we had some leftover. It didn't last long - it's so good!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Waking up.
Have you started to show yet: I am starting to get sympathy looks. It probably doesnt help that I usually have a puppy with me. People think we are crazy.
Have you started to show yet: I am starting to get sympathy looks. It probably doesnt help that I usually have a puppy with me. People think we are crazy.
Labor signs: Same as last week - pressure and lots of contractions.
Belly Button in or out? Flatty-outtie
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: I am pretty moody these days. Sorry Robert!
Looking forward to: Meeting our baby.

What's the baby up to?
- The average baby is about 20 inches and weighs about 7.5 pounds.
- The baby has reached its final birth position.
- It will be cramped inside your uterus for much movement.
- Your baby will continue to punch and kick but lower in your abdomen, under your pelvis.
The average baby weighs in at over seven pounds, but can be as much as one or two pounds heavier or lighter. It can vary with each baby, and there is no cause for concern. Your pregnancy is considered full term now (between 37 and 42 weeks is full-term). At birth the umbilical cord will stop working when the child takes his first breaths of air outside of uterus. The child's breathing will trigger changes in the heart that will force all blood to go through the lungs. Baby is restricted in movement as there is no space left in the womb. You should be finding it easier to breathe now that the uterus is dropping away from the diaphragm.
You may be experiencing the nesting syndrome by attempting to clean, cook, shop and prepare for the new arrival. This is very common, just be careful that you do not wear yourself out. You need to conserve your energy for the hard work ahead in labor and birth (Earlier this week I moved around the family room furniture and decided I didn't like it. Now I don't have the energy to move it back. Grr).
You may be experiencing the nesting syndrome by attempting to clean, cook, shop and prepare for the new arrival. This is very common, just be careful that you do not wear yourself out. You need to conserve your energy for the hard work ahead in labor and birth (Earlier this week I moved around the family room furniture and decided I didn't like it. Now I don't have the energy to move it back. Grr).
3rd Trimester,
Baby development,
Due date,
Friday, July 19, 2013
38 Weeks
How far
along? 38 weeks
Size: Length of a leek (~20 inches)
Maternity clothes? Since I am no longer working, I live in yoga pants and maternity tops. My Lululemon jackets have been awesome this pregnancy and I am still squeezing into them (although one of them is pretty short).
Symptoms: I am more tired than I was in the first trimester - I could sleep all afternoon. Pressure, cramping, headaches, etc.
Sleep: Sleep is still great - knock on wood.
Sleep: Sleep is still great - knock on wood.
Best moment this week: Our last pregnant Paxti's date. It's been a fun monthly date, but I think I'll hold off on going to Paxti's once the baby is here! I wonder how much pizza I've consumed this pregnancy?
I busted out the baby equipment manuals since I have no idea how to set-up and break-down anything. The pack n' play is now ready to go in our room for the first few weeks/months (no idea) baby A is home. Yay!
I busted out the baby equipment manuals since I have no idea how to set-up and break-down anything. The pack n' play is now ready to go in our room for the first few weeks/months (no idea) baby A is home. Yay!
Worst moment of the week: Feeling like a whale all the time. Yoga is so hard now!
Miss anything? Moving around comfortably - everything is awkward and I am coming up with creative ways to pick stuff up off the ground (i.e. dog toys, laundry, etc.)
Movement: Tons - and ouch. I am really happy when he gets the hiccups because I can tell he is still head down.
Food cravings: Baked goods
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing in particular, but I still feel sick in the morning.
Have you started to show yet: :)
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing in particular, but I still feel sick in the morning.
Have you started to show yet: :)
Labor signs: Pressure, contractions, etc., but nothing immediate.
Belly Button in or out? Flattish-outtie
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! And ready.
Looking forward to: Going into labor.
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Baby A, length of a leek |
What's the baby up to?
- Baby is about 20 inches and weighs about 7.5 pounds.
- The soft down, which covered the body throughout the pregnancy, is now disappearing.
- The body fat is continuing to build up, baby putting on about 1oz a day.
- The wrinkled skin is becoming 'baby' smooth.
- The baby may have reached its final birth position.
is complete, baby's main job is to gain weight. The body continues
laying on the fat stores at a rate of about an ounce a day,
that will help regulate his or her body temperature after birth.
Baby may have a full head of hair now, an inch or more long, but some babies are born with only peach fuzz. Speaking of hair, most of the downy coat of lanugo that covered your baby for weeks has disappeared.
This week, your baby weighs around seven and a half pounds and measures about 20 inches head to toe. You are almost at the end of your pregnancy. Your weight should not increase much from this point. It should remain between 25 and 35 pounds until delivery (hit 24lbs!).
Baby may have a full head of hair now, an inch or more long, but some babies are born with only peach fuzz. Speaking of hair, most of the downy coat of lanugo that covered your baby for weeks has disappeared.
This week, your baby weighs around seven and a half pounds and measures about 20 inches head to toe. You are almost at the end of your pregnancy. Your weight should not increase much from this point. It should remain between 25 and 35 pounds until delivery (hit 24lbs!).
3rd Trimester,
Baby development,
First Timers,
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Happy Birthday, Allison!
Hope you had a wonderful day yesterday! You are an amazing friend and sister - cheers to #33 (and snuggies!).
Happy Birthday, Dad!
Happy (belated) birthday to my amazing dad!! Love you so much and glad I was able to see you during your birthday week.
iPhone Dump
Friday, July 12, 2013
37 Weeks - Full Term
How far
along? 37 weeks
Size: Watermelon
Maternity clothes? I got some new tops, thanks to my mom! I feel like a new woman (and I am sure my neighbors appreciate it).
Symptoms: Lots of pressure, contractions, exhaustion, morning headaches, etc. Does nesting count as a symptom?
Sleep: Sleep is still great, I feel lucky. Just wish I felt rested when I woke up. I could go back to bed about two hours later.
Mid-week picnic in the park |
Best moment this week: Finding out on Monday that the baby flipped to head down - hooray! Doctor also predicted baby will be 7.5-8lbs (previously predicted 8.5-9lbs) so I am thankful for that.
Taking a quick trip to Monterey for a dentist appointment and being able to hangout with most of the family for a night. Missed you Adam and Kaila!
Taking a quick trip to Monterey for a dentist appointment and being able to hangout with most of the family for a night. Missed you Adam and Kaila!
Worst moment of the week: Nothing I can think of
Miss anything? Sleeping without my Snoogle and mess of pillows. It's not easy hiking my big self over that thing every time I need to get up. I could go for a margarita too. Mmm.
Movement: He is still keeping busy in there. He gets the hiccups a lot, which is cute.
Food cravings: I am not craving any in particular, but I did get my fix this week from my thrifty craving I had a few months ago - thank you sissies and mom. Chocolate malt crunch, say what!
9 months pregnant + double square scoop = happiness |
Have you started to show yet: Most definitely.
Labor signs: Contractions, pressure, etc. Nothing immediate, but I can tell he is getting ready.
Belly Button in or out? Flat and sometimes half out.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy - emotional
Looking forward to: Cooper starts school tomorrow - we can't wait. He can sit, lie down, and shake, but he'll need to learn some more manners before his brother arrives.
This week I hope to get some healthy freezer meals made and get the carseat installed (finally).
This week I hope to get some healthy freezer meals made and get the carseat installed (finally).
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Baby A, size of a watermelon |
What's the baby up to?
Even though you are three weeks from your due date, you are now considered 'at term'. In most cases, nothing will be done to stop your labor once it starts, even if it is before your 40th week.
- Typically, baby now measures 19.5 inches from the head to the heel.
- Baby weighs up to 7 pounds.
- The head diameter is over 3.5 inches.
- The water could break at any time.
Even though you are three weeks from your due date, you are now considered 'at term'. In most cases, nothing will be done to stop your labor once it starts, even if it is before your 40th week.
3rd Trimester,
Baby development,
Friday, July 5, 2013
36 Weeks
How far
along? 36 weeks
Size: Length of a Romaine Lettuce
Maternity clothes? Nothing new - it's getting bad and I am pretty sure my neighbors are horrified at my wardrobe choices (I am outside a lot with Cooper and let's just say it's not pretty!).
I feel good this week. My major symptom is waking up feeling sick - headache, nausea, etc. By the time we get out the door for our morning walk I am usually fine though.
Sleep: Sleep has been great
Sleep: Sleep has been great
Best moment this week: Short work week and being my last week at work. Bring on the maternity leave.
Fourth of July! We headed downtown Menlo for a parade and festival in the park. Good food and good crowd.
Fourth of July! We headed downtown Menlo for a parade and festival in the park. Good food and good crowd.
Worst moment of the week: I can't think of anything
Miss anything? Besides being able to move around and dress like a normal person, nothing.
Movement: People keep telling me that the movement slows down in the third trimester, but the last few weeks I have felt him a ton. He doesn't seem to mind kicking me around - ouch.
Food cravings: Nothing in particular, but I have a big appetite :)
Anything making you queasy or sick: Eating/drinking too much at once
Have you started to show yet: Unquestionably. Every person we see on our walks: "oh wow, a puppy and a baby? You guys will have your hands full!"
Anything making you queasy or sick: Eating/drinking too much at once
Have you started to show yet: Unquestionably. Every person we see on our walks: "oh wow, a puppy and a baby? You guys will have your hands full!"
Labor signs: Continuing to have a lot of strong braxton hicks. Some of them are uncomfortable, but not painful.
Belly Button in or out? Flatty-outtie. Half of it is out, so strange.
Wedding rings on or off? On, but on these hot days they are feeling snug.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! It’s a strange
feeling when time catches up with you – almost five years ago when we got
married we said we wanted a baby “about 3-5 years later.” Well, here we are
almost five years after we got married with a baby due in just a few short
weeks. It’s fun to look back on what used to feel so far away and realize it is
a reality. Robert and I are very happy and excited for this new part of our
life together. We are going to be someone's parents, gulp.
Looking forward to: Monday's ultrasound to confirm baby's position.
I am looking forward to having some time to relax prior to the baby coming, so the next few weeks I hope to take it easy, get all of our last minute to-do's checked off our list, max out my yoga pass, and spend some extra time with Robert.
Looking forward to: Monday's ultrasound to confirm baby's position.
I am looking forward to having some time to relax prior to the baby coming, so the next few weeks I hope to take it easy, get all of our last minute to-do's checked off our list, max out my yoga pass, and spend some extra time with Robert.
Baby A, length of romaine lettuce |
What's the baby up to?
This week your baby may drop into the birth canal, this is called 'lightening' or 'dropping'. If this is not your first baby, this 'lightening' may not occur until right before labor. Your care provider may refer to it by saying that your baby is now 'engaged'. The majority of babies are now in the birth position, either head down (vertex) or butt down (breech), most will maintain this position until birth. Any movements that they make are more likely to be rolls from side to side.You may notice when this happens because it will suddenly become much easier for you to breathe. While breathing becomes easier, walking may be the exact opposite. If your baby has dropped you may find yourself visiting the bathroom much more often as baby is resting right on top of your bladder again.
Keep talking - by now he or she can recognize you voice, and may respond to any loud noises with a swift kick out.
- The baby is about 19 inches long.
- Weight is around 6 pounds.
- The baby's body is becoming chubby as fat layers build.
- Between now and birth they may gain about an ounce a day
This week your baby may drop into the birth canal, this is called 'lightening' or 'dropping'. If this is not your first baby, this 'lightening' may not occur until right before labor. Your care provider may refer to it by saying that your baby is now 'engaged'. The majority of babies are now in the birth position, either head down (vertex) or butt down (breech), most will maintain this position until birth. Any movements that they make are more likely to be rolls from side to side.You may notice when this happens because it will suddenly become much easier for you to breathe. While breathing becomes easier, walking may be the exact opposite. If your baby has dropped you may find yourself visiting the bathroom much more often as baby is resting right on top of your bladder again.
Keep talking - by now he or she can recognize you voice, and may respond to any loud noises with a swift kick out.
3rd Trimester,
Baby development,
First Timers,
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