Up until this point I hadn't really given it much thought about the fact that our solo days with Hunter are limited and that soon we will be a family of four. In fact, as bad as it sounds it didn't really cross my mind since he is young and I think the transition for him will be pretty easy.
But the other night, while questioning whether or not I might be in labor, I suddenly became really anxious, emotional, and worried. I can't even pinpoint why, but I just felt an overwhelming need to hold Hunter (it was 11pm, so I just stared at the video monitor instead). A million thoughts flew through my head about whether or not he will be okay, if I will be able to give him the attention and love he needs, if I am capable of being a good mom to two kids - all totally rational at 11pm and feeling crappy.
I've realized that Hunter will adapt like every other kid in the world and that what I am anxious about is us being able to juggle it all - which we will! I know everyone is going to be just fine, but I am feeling all the feeeeeeelings these days.
On the flip side, I can't wait for Hunter to be a big brother!
He is such a sweet kid and I know he will love having a brother to share his life with.
He is such a sweet kid and I know he will love having a brother to share his life with.