Three quarters to one year.
Davis is sitting, crawling, pulling up, cruising, blabbing nonsense, and has two teeth! A lot has happened in one month and all of the sudden he seems like a whole new person. Good thing we lowered his crib because his new trick is to pull up standing and then scream for help, because he can't get down. He is starting to rock and jump just like his brother Wyatt.
Davis is sitting, crawling, pulling up, cruising, blabbing nonsense, and has two teeth! A lot has happened in one month and all of the sudden he seems like a whole new person. Good thing we lowered his crib because his new trick is to pull up standing and then scream for help, because he can't get down. He is starting to rock and jump just like his brother Wyatt.
He is much more interested in what his brothers are up to and less content just hanging behind. He wants to play! I see even more disagreements in my future, yikes.
Davis has been sleeping through the night since he turned 9 months old over a week ago - knock on wood he continues. We never sleep trained, but glad he has (maybe) just grown out of waking for milk. He has been a pretty good sleeper since day one so sleep training felt 1. like I was too lazy to do it, and 2. I figured he would drop the feeding by himself when he was ready. Success.
At our nine month check up he checked out great. The doctor was impressed with all of the milestones he has already met, which was nice to hear. Even with my third child I am always worrying about everything. I have a feeling that will never go away!
Weight: 21 lbs
Height: I need to dig up his report
Head: 90th percentile
Healthy boy!