Size: Spaghetti quash (11 inches, 1lb)
Maternity clothes? Nothing new - mix between regular and maternity
Symptoms: Back pain, exhaustion
Sleep: Not as good as it used to be. I am still going to bed late and waking up early (plus waking up throughout the night).
Best moment this week: We signed up for childbirth classes and a Infant/Child CPR class! Also, while Robert was in Vegas last week I got crafty and made some items for the nursery - they turned out great and I am really happy with the end result. I like one of the items so much, I'm planning on making something similar, but larger, for our bedroom.
Worst moment of the week: My grandpa passed away on Tuesday afternoon - he lived a wonderful and very long life. It's always sad when someone passes away, but I am happy knowing he had a wonderful family and he lived close to my parents, who took great care of him. Honestly, he is probably happier up their with my Grandma anyway, she was his world and I think he missed her a lot over the past four years.
Miss anything? Sleeping on my back
Movement: He is busy in there - in fact, as I am typing this I can see him moving from the outside. The other day I had just finished a cup of hot chocolate and he was doing spins from the sugar. Robert is able to feel him more and more now, which is fun.
Food cravings: None
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not this week
Have you started to show yet: I'm getting approached at work by people asking about baby Andersen. I think the bump is loud and proud at this point.
Gender: Boy!
Labor signs: No
Belly Button in or out? Still in, but funny shaped depending on the day.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: It was a sad week, but overall I am happy
Looking forward to: Robert turning 30 next week - what a monumental year for him! I have a fun surprise for him and am very excited to give it to him at his birthday party.
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Birthday boy |
Baby A, size of a spaghetti squash! |
- The fetus reacts to loud sounds.
- The baby is about 11 inches long (crown to heel) and weighs in at about 1 pound.
- Baby starts having a regular sleeping and waking rhythm (he moves a lot around mid morning and right before bed).
- The mother's movements can wake her baby (yea, well his movements wake me up too!).
- Taste buds are forming on your baby's tongue.
By this week, your waistline is definitely gone (yep, buh bye). The top of your uterus is now about 1 inch (3cm) above your bellybutton. You're still able to bend over and to sit comfortably. Walking shouldn't be an effort. Your friends and relatives can tell you are pregnant. It would be hard to hide your condition.