Friday, March 29, 2013

22 Weeks

How far along? 22 weeks
Size: Spaghetti quash (11 inches, 1lb)
Maternity clothes? Nothing new - mix between regular and maternity
Back pain, exhaustion
Sleep: Not as good as it used to be. I am still going to bed late and waking up early (plus waking up throughout the night). 

Best moment this week: We signed up for childbirth classes and a Infant/Child CPR class! Also, while Robert was in Vegas last week I got crafty and made some items for the nursery - they turned out great and I am really happy with the end result. I like one of the items so much, I'm planning on making something similar, but larger, for our bedroom.
Worst moment of the week: My grandpa passed away on Tuesday afternoon - he lived a wonderful and very long life. It's always sad when someone passes away, but I am happy knowing he had a wonderful family and he lived close to my parents, who took great care of him. Honestly, he is probably happier up their with my Grandma anyway, she was his world and I think he missed her a lot over the past four years.
Miss anything? Sleeping on my back

Movement: He is busy in there - in fact, as I am typing this I can see him moving from the outside. The other day I had just finished a cup of hot chocolate and he was doing spins from the sugar. Robert is able to feel him more and more now, which is fun.

Food cravings: None

Anything making you queasy or sick: Not this week

Have you started to show yet: I'm getting approached at work by people asking about baby Andersen. I think the bump is loud and proud at this point.

Gender: Boy!
Labor signs: No
Belly Button in or out? Still in, but funny shaped depending on the day.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: It was a sad week, but overall I am happy
Looking forward to: Robert turning 30 next week - what a monumental year for him! I have a fun surprise for him and am very excited to give it to him at his birthday party. 
Birthday boy
Baby A, size of a spaghetti squash!

 What's the baby up to?
  • The fetus reacts to loud sounds.
  • The baby is about 11 inches long (crown to heel) and weighs in at about 1 pound.
  • Baby starts having a regular sleeping and waking rhythm (he moves a lot around mid morning and right before bed).
  • The mother's movements can wake her baby (yea, well his movements wake me up too!).
  • Taste buds are forming on your baby's tongue.
Your baby is about 11 inches long and weighs in at about 1 pound. The eyebrows and eyelids are fully developed, and the fingernails cover the fingertips. Sounds from a conversation are loud enough to be heard by the fetus in the uterus. If you talk, read, or sing to your baby, it's reasonable to expect him or her to be able to hear you (aw, hello!).
By this week, your waistline is definitely gone (yep, buh bye). The top of your uterus is now about 1 inch (3cm) above your bellybutton. You're still able to bend over and to sit comfortably. Walking shouldn't be an effort. Your friends and relatives can tell you are pregnant. It would be hard to hide your condition.

Friday, March 22, 2013

21 Weeks

How far along? 21 weeks
Size: Length of a carrot (10.5 inches) 
Maternity clothes? Earlier this week I tried on all of my springy dresses and had to laugh because most don't fit me like I thought they would. They come up in the front too high for what I feel is appropriate at work. Looks like I have to grab a few new dresses when the weather gets hot. 
Back, round ligament, and tailbone pain 
Sleep: I am not sleeping as much as I used too. Falling asleep later waking up earlier. Weird dreams too.

Best moment this week:
Found out he is a boy, finished up the registry, got the crib (thank you Oma & Opa!), and signed up for the hospital tour. It's been a great week! 

Wiggly right before ultrasound
I don't think I got any work done on Monday - my mind was racing over and over with excitement. Our last ultrasound was 8 weeks ago, so it was reassuring to see the baby dancing around in there. The doctor asked what I ate for breakfast because he was so wiggly (which led to horrible ultrasound photos!). The doctor measured his limbs, counted his finger/toes, looked at his brain, spine, kidneys, eyes, and heart chambers. It was pretty neat and I wish those appointments lasted longer. It feels nice to call him a he :)
Our registry is almost done, give or take a few things. Thank you to my sisters for all of their help - it's scary when you see how many baby products are out there (and you have no idea which ones you actually need). It is a huge help having two sisters that have gone through this not too long ago!
The crib is up and looks so pretty -  thanks to Robert and my dad for assembling! Lastly, we signed up for the hospital tour/orientation. From what I hear, the Stanford birthing center is really nice and brand new - can't wait to see it.
Baby looking at camera
Worst moment of the week: Nothing to complain about this week
Miss anything? Sleeping on my back and on my stomach. I get sore sleeping on my side and find that I have to readjust often.

Movement: All the time and I love it. He is getting stronger and there is no mistaking that he is in there.

Food cravings: Still eating my chocolate chips at night. Not sure if it's a craving or a routine at this point. I wonder how many bags I will have consumed by the end of my pregnancy?

Anything making you queasy or sick: My beloved steamed broccoli (cue the crying). So sad and I hope I'll get over quickly.

Have you started to show yet: Yep, I am up 8lbs so far and can definitely see that I am getting bigger all around :)  

Gender: Boy! 
Labor signs: No - did have some tingly sensations across my stomach yesterday, not sure what that was about.  I think the baby might be resting on some nerves. After drinking lots of water and walking around, it went away.
Belly Button in or out? Still in, but, weird looking. I have a scar right above my belly button from my appendectomy surgery, so the bigger I get the funnier it looks!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! Feeling grateful he is healthy and right on track. I am enjoying all things pregnancy since I know it will go by quick (it already has). Before we know it life will be very different, so we are savoring our last months as a twosome.
Looking forward to: A couple of DIY projects for the nursery while Robert is in Vegas - surprise Robert! I am not crafty, so this may not go well. Now that we know he is a boy, I can't wait to at least window shop a little bit too. Baby Gap carries the Gap maternity line, so every time I go in I get distracted by the baby clothes (I'm sure that was an accident). I love that Baby Gap's style is basically adult clothes in baby size.
Baby A, length of a carrot!
What's the baby up to?
  • Length is now measured crown to heel.
  • The fetus has grown to 10.5 inches - 12.7 ounces.
  • It is now gaining weight steadily, with fat being added to the body.
  • Bone marrow has started making blood cells.
  • Their small intestine is starting to absorb sugars.
Your baby's bone marrow has started making blood cells, a job done by the liver and spleen until this point. The placenta has provided nearly all of your baby's nourishment, now your baby will begin to absorb small amounts of sugar from swallowed amniotic fluid.

Based on the size of baby's head, which is about 2 inches (5cm), the date of birth can be determined to within one week. The fetus is steadily gaining fat and has grown a whitish coat of a slick, fatty substance to protect skin in amniotic fluid and to ease delivery.
The baby can hear and recognize the mother's voice, and may respond to some types of music (uh oh, Robert better clean up his music selection).

Thursday, March 21, 2013


The crib arrived last week and we love it!  
Robert and my dad got to work putting it together while my mom and I watched :) It came together rather quickly and we love the way it looks - thank you boys for setting it up and thank you Oma and Opa for the gift

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

St. Patrick's Day Parade - SF

When we lived in SF, we were blocks away from the start of the St. Patrick's Day parade. I love going every year and seeing the horses with four leafed clovers tattooed on their butts and seeing the pack of Irish Wolfhounds all dressed up in funny costumes.
Though it's not a quick walk up the street anymore, it is a quick drive - so on Saturday we decided to head up for the day and experience the festivities once again. No beer or Irish Carbombs for me this year - Sláinte!
A mini top hat!
We couldn't have left without a Papalote burrito :)

Monday, March 18, 2013

Baby is a...

He measured right on track for August 2nd and was very wiggly during the ultrasound. Love him already!

Friday, March 15, 2013

20 Weeks (5 months)

How far along? 20 weeks -can't believe I am halfway through this pregnancy.
Size: Cantaloupe (what!)
Maternity clothes? I picked up a new pair of maternity jeans, blouse, and tee at Gap last Sunday. I wish I purchased a few more pairs of jeans in different colors because they are so comfortable. 
Symptoms: Lower back pain, swelling, itchy belly and fullness <-- sexy, I know. This week I have been stressed about all of the items on our to-do list(s). We still need to purchase and assemble big ticket items for the nursery, as well as, sign up for childbirth classes (some places have wait lists). Once we get those checked off I think I will feel better.
Sleep: Just okay - not bad, but I am sleeping less. I'm thinking the daylight savings might have thrown me off a bit.

Best moment this week:
Purchasing and assembling the dresser. I love how it looks and so happy to have one large nursery item completed. 

Worst moment of the week: Probably the swelling - it only last for a couple days but was uncomfortable.
Miss anything? Moving around is becoming more and more challenging since I no longer have a waist. I miss being able to get out of my car and bed with ease - now I've got this rolling move going on. I know it's only going to get harder, but I already feel like a baby beluga at night when I am getting in and out of bed.

Movement: All the time - he/she has been moving around more often and I am loving it. After I drink my green juice in the morning, he/she goes crazy in there.

Food cravings: Nothing in particular

Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really - although I haven't tried eating salads

Have you started to show yet: Yes - on three separate occasions at work I was asked and congratulated.
My yoga teacher asked me if I could still see my toes and when I told her yes, she laughed telling me to "just wait" <-- I get a lot of that. 

My Gender prediction: We asked Kenya to see what she thought..

Kenya agrees with Auntie Kaila on girl!
Labor signs: No  
Belly Button in or out? In, but Robert informed me the other night that it's changing shape - he thinks it will pop soon :o 
Wedding rings on or off? On 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: This weekend and finding out the sex on Monday!
Baby A, size of a cantaloupe!

What's the baby up to?
  • Baby now weighes about 11 ounces and is roughly 7 inches long (10 inches from head to toe).
  • The baby can hear and recognize the mother's voice.
  • The toenails and fingernails are growing.
  • The growth of hair on the rest of the body has started.
  • The skin is getting thicker.
  • The heart can now be heard with a stethoscope.
Your baby may react to loud sounds. Baby can actually hear noises outside of the womb. Familiar voices, music, and sounds that baby becomes accustomed to during their development stages often are calming after birth (hi, baby!). This is an important time for sensory development since nerve cells serving each of the senses; taste, smell, hearing, sight, and touch are now developing into their specialized area of the brain. 
Your baby now weighes about 11 ounces and at 10 inches crown to heel they are filling up more and more of the womb (almost a $5 footlong). Though still small and fragile, the baby is growing rapidly and could possibly survive if born at this stage.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Nursery Dresser

Even though we don't know if the baby is a boy or girl, we've had nursery ideas picked out for awhile now (colors work for boy or girl). This weekend we purchased and assembled the dresser!
Realizing it was going to be a long afternoon
Not your room anymore, Kenya
The top piece of the dresser had a small crack, so at this point we chose to divide and conquer. I finished building the drawers while Robert exchanged the broken piece and picked up dinner.
After hours of work, I was screwing in the last piece and realized I was missing one screw. Thank god Robert was still at the store and grabbed one to bring home. As soon as he walked in he found the "missing" screw in the shag rug. My brain was seriously fried at this point and I am not surprised I missed it (even after combing the rug 241896 times).
Robert surprised me with a little sparkling cider to toast the long - but productive- day. So sweet!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Farmer's Market - Palo Alto

Palo Alto has the cutest farmer's market on Sundays. It just so happens to be right outside my yoga studio, so Robert met me after I finished my class. We stocked up on goodies for juicing and ate lunch on the curb.
First time trying - it was good, but kind of hard to eat
I can't tell you how happy I am that the weather is warming up - we've done the market on colder days and it's just not as fun. Hooray for Spring!
Over heating as we waited for our lunch

Friday, March 8, 2013

19 Weeks

How far along? 19 weeks  
Size: Large heirloom tomato
Maternity clothes? I am wearing a mix between maternity and regular clothes. I haven't purchased anything new yet, but really need to. I am loving my BeMaternity tank from target - so comfortable with my matching BeMaternity leggings. <-- That's nice for weekend wear, but I have been wearing the same couple of shirts/sweaters to work and seriously need to get some office appropriate tops!
Symptoms: Round ligament pain (not as bad this week), sore hips at night, lower back pain at night, and congestion.
Sleep: I am sleeping pretty good, but I am having to get up about three times now to use the bathroom. I am starting to feel pressure on my lower back and the side of my hips from laying on my sides all the time. It's uncomfortable. Luckily when I am asleep, I am in a deep sleep so it doesn't bother me all night.

Best moment this week:
Hearing the heartbeat on Monday. That never gets old. Also, Robert surprised me with a juicer for my birthday so I have been juicing veggies daily and loving it so far. I juice in the morning and take a bottle to work to drink throughout the morning - works out well since I am not eating salads for lunch anymore.

Worst moment of the week: Lower back pain - I'm going to start going to yoga more to see if that helps.
Have you told family and friends: Yes!

Miss anything? Nope!

Movement: Yes! I feel the baby at various times throughout the day, but mostly in the morning after breakfast and in the evening after dinner (actually, after I eat my chocolate chips). I love sitting at my desk at work and feeling flips and pokes.

Food cravings: Nothing in particular

Anything making you queasy or sick: Salad

Have you started to show yet: Yes, and I am starting to grow out of one of my maternity tops already. I thought my Lululemon zip ups (non-maternity) would last throughout pregnancy because they are stretchy, but one of them is already short on me (picture in this post).

Filling up this nursery soon!
My Gender prediction: I'm going with boy - can't wait to find out in a couple weeks! My friends are predicting boy (one predicted the due date 8/8 and another 7/30). Avery is predicting girl. Any bets??! 
Labor signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!

Looking forward to: Yoga and setting up some nursery furniture this weekend.
Baby A, size of a large heirloom tomato!

What's the baby up to? 
  • Baby is around 6.5 inches and 9 ounces <---that's a big heirloom!
  • Features of your baby's heart, should be visible during an ultrasound.
  • Your baby's genitals are distinct and recognizable.
  • Scalp hair has sprouted and continues to grow.
If baby is female the uterus starts to develop, the vagina, uterus, and fallopian tubes are in place. Females have a limited supply of eggs in their lifetime. At this point your daughter will have 6 million eggs. This amount decreases to approximately one million by birth. If it's a boy, the genitals are distinct and recognizable. Even if the sex looks obvious, ultrasound operators have been known to make mistakes.
Baby's legs are reaching their relative size and with the increase muscle development occurring as well, you will start feeling much more than tiny flutter kicks soon (yep). Your baby will increase its weight by more than 15 times between now and delivery (yikes).