Size: Bell pepper (or sweet potato, or large mango - depending on what site you read)
Maternity clothes? A few maternity shirts and the same pants. This weekend I would like to pick up more shirts since I definitely need them at this point. I wore a regular sweater to work earlier in the week and looked lumpy and frumpy. Before I got pregnant I envisioned wearing a lot of pieces in my closet that I thought would work - but they just don't fit right (even loose tops that I thought I could belt). Dresses are comfortable since I don't have to worry about pulling up pants or adjusting my shirt - so happy it's almost spring!
Before work on Tuesday (17.5 weeks) |
Nursery-to-be |
Best moment this week: Settling into our new space - we love it so far! On Sunday we sorted through a bunch of boxes and threw out things we didn't want to save anymore. I can't stand having stuff laying around that we don't use and it feels nice to be clutter free. I still have a few items to hang on the walls.
Worst moment of the week: Can moving be the best and worst thing? I hate actually picking stuff up and moving it - hah!
Have you told family and friends: Yes! I am getting strange looks at work - but still, no one who doesn't know has commented :)
Miss anything? On Friday when I was moving by myself, I wanted a margarita. I wouldn't say I miss alcohol on the regular (or at all, really), but after a hard/tired day this mama wanted a break.
Movement: Yes! All day Tuesday I had been feeling like there was something going on in there and attributed it to the baby going through a growth spurt (which he/she is). Around 9pm I lay on the ground to stretch out and immediately I felt kicks/punches on my left side! Robert put his hand on my stomach and he felt them as well. I was shocked since I didn't think he would be able to feel them yet, but he definitely did. Around 3:30am (Wednesday) I woke up to him/her rolling around in there. It felt like somersaults, but I have no idea what he/she was doing! Since then he/she has been doing flips on the daily.
Wonder what she knows |
Anything making you queasy or sick: Spinach/mixed greens
Have you started to show yet: Yes! I am now waking up with a big bump. It still gets bigger in the afternoons - but I no longer wake up wondering where my baby went.
My Gender prediction: With all of these girl dreams I am beginning to question my initial thoughts on a boy. I cannot wait to find out!
Labor signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! I have my moody times - but I would say it's more emotional (not angry or anything). Sensitive pregnant girl over here.
Looking forward to: My birthday this weekend - Robert's parents are coming up on Saturday for a visit. Also, Robert invited a few close friends to Menlo for a birthday brunch on Sunday. Can't wait!
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Baby A, size of a bell pepper |
- The fetus is now 6 inches long and weighs 7 ounces.
- They can hear sounds and may be startled by loud noises.
- Recognizable active and rest periods.
Your baby may have the same awake and sleep patterns of a newborn. Baby will have a favorite position for sleep and recognizable active and rest periods (growing quick!).
Exited to hear you both got to feel Baby Andersen move! Thanks for a fun weekend and Happy Birthday Anna!!