Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Baby #2 - 26 Weeks

Six and a half months pregnant and feeling alright. I am starting to get pretty uncomfortable when sitting for too long or laying on the couch for too long. Resting on my hands and knees relieves a lot of the heaviness, so I try to do that when watching TV or playing with Hunter, but since I can't do that at work, my days can be a challenge.
I finally purchased something for baby boy #2...a pair of newborn mustache leggings! They were on sale at Target, so I had to. 
I also started making a list of things to do since I know time is going to fly by with the holidays and before I know it January will be here. Basic things like: where is the baby going to sleep and where are we housing his clothes/gear? And pre-registering, installing infant carseat, etc., etc. I feeling kind of bad we haven't done anything for this baby yet, but life has been jam-packed and we are doing our best. 
It's hard to believe next week I will be in my THIRD trimester. Reminding myself to make an effort to slow down, enjoy the pregnancy, and maximize the last few months as a family of three.  

What's baby up to?
He may now be able to hear both your voice and your partner's as you chat with each other. He's inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid, which is essential for the development of his lungs. 
These so-called breathing movements are also good practice for when he's born and takes that first gulp of air. And he's continuing to put on baby fat. He now weighs about 1 2/3 pounds and measures 14 inches from head to heel.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Double Digits

99 days to go...

My coworker kindly reminded me I only have 14 more Mondays until my due date. Yikes!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Cal Ave Trick or Treating

My yoga studio sponsors a big annual trick or treating bash downtown, so this year we took Spiderman for some trick or treating! It was so sweet seeing him dressed up and walking around like a big kid. At first he was very cautious and careful, but after giving him some time he warmed up. Eventually, he tried walking around by himself without holding my hand, and, well...there's no looking back now! He loved it. 
not so sure about this
sat like that for 10 minutes before touching a ball
there we go
big kid, taking a snack break on the curb
Today was a peak day in the parenting world for me. Fun and heartwarming to watch Hunter trick or treat with the big kids, but also to see him transform from a cautious baby into a more confident kid running around like crazy.

Thursday, October 23, 2014


So much love for my Hunter. 
He is becoming quite the kisser these days. Big, wet, open-mouth kisses. He also won't let go of my hand at the park. Soaking up on these little moments, as I know they are fleeting. 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Baby #2 - 25 Weeks

Feeling very pregnant (again) this week. I seem to remember this last time, when the baby starts moving up and everything starts feeling more clausterphobic. If I drink too much water, eat too much, or sit in certain positions I feel uncomfortable.
Other than that I am still sleeping great, baby's heartbeat sounded strong, and I passed my glucose test! I drank the sugary drink after fasting for 12 hours and had three blood draws. Happy I passed and can still eat my nightly chocolate chips. 
One thing that's bothering me right now is really dry and itchy skin. I am doing my best to drink water, but that doesn't seem to help. Hot showers and coconut oil to the rescue. 
my belly buddy

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Pumpkin Patch 2014

We took a trip to the pumpkin patch this morning to pick out some pumpkins and check out Webb Ranch. This is the same location where we buy our Christmas trees, just down the road. Webb Ranch does a great job of offering a ton of different things for kids (and parents!) to do during the holidays. For October - hay rides, petting zoo, pony rides, lots of different types of pumpkin picking, water bubble races (?), jump houses, etc. 
Hunter is a little weird about walking outside. He did okay at the patch, but had a fit earlier in the morning at the park. I'm not sure what it's all about, but maybe we've been carrying too much?! We slowly introduced him to the hay and pumpkins and eventually he kind of warmed up. He isn't so sure about dirt, grass, or bark and makes a funny face when touching it. I have a feeling after a few more weekends at the park he will grow out of this, but for now he is very, very cautious!
Anyway, it was a fun trip to the patch - next year will be a full family affair with two kids. See last year's trip to the patch here.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Baby #2 - 24 Weeks/6 Months

Feeling preg-nant this week, whew. The belly is large and in charge and baby boy is on the move. Sometimes I get self-conscious at work that people can see my belly dancing around, hah! This week is viability week, which means if the baby were to come out now, there is a chance of survival, hooray. Check out last time we were at 24 weeks here.
I was supposed to have a check-up today but had to reschedule last minute for Friday, as work got too hectic.

What's the baby up to?
Your baby's growing steadily, having gained about 4 ounces since last week. That puts him at about 1 1/3 pounds. Since he's almost a foot long (about the size of an ear of corn), he cuts a pretty lean figure at this point, but his body is filling out proportionally and he'll soon start to plump up. His brain is also growing quickly now, and his taste buds are continuing to develop. His lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" as well as cells that produce surfactant, a substance that will help his air sacs inflate once he hits the outside world. His skin is still thin and translucent, but that will start to change soon.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Six Years

Happy 6 year anniversary, Robert! 
There isn't anyone else I'd choose to be my partner and father to my kids. 
I love you very much and look forward to many more years together! 
Here are six things I love the most about Robert:

1. His ambition. 
There is no stopping Robert. Whether it's school or work, 
he is constantly challenging himself. 
A trait I hope is passed down to our children.

2. His dedication to me. 
No matter what, Robert is always supportive and makes me feel loved. 
I feel his dedication to our marriage on a daily basis. 
I don't tell him enough how much it means to me. 

3. His openness. 
I can suggest pretty much anything and Robert is open to doing it. 
Hike? Sure! Museum? Sure! Poopy diaper? Sure..

4. His frugality. 
I wouldn't say I love this, but I love why he is frugal. 
He is a provider and wants a comfortable lifestyle for his family. 
I appreciate this. 

5. His positivity. 
I am constantly amazed at Robert's ability to see the positive in every situation. 
He is able to let negativity roll off his back and see the best 
in people. Everyone could use a lesson on this and I am thankful 
to live by his example on a daily basis. 

6. His role as a father. 
Hunter is a LUCKY kid. 
There is no shortage of love, laughter, tickling, and support. 
Robert was born to be a dad. I love watching him in action. 

Thank you for your ambition, dedication, openness, frugality, positivity, and ability to 
love our kid(s). Most of all, thank you for loving me and choosing me as your wife.  
Happy 6 years to us!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Baby #2 - 23 Weeks

Baby is on the move this week! I'm trying not to compare my pregnancies too much because I know each one is different, but this baby seems to be calmer in there than Hunter. In the last couple weeks he's finally started dancing a lot more, which is reassuring. 
Starting to feel the aches and pains if I am on my feet too much with work, but overall feeling good so I can't complain. I have an appointment next Wednesday and looking forward to hearing the heartbeat. I think I have to do the glucose test next week or the week after, which isn't very pleasant. The nice thing is that I can do this downstairs from my office, so I won't have to take a chunk of my day off!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


A fun four day weekend! My Dutch friend Berte stayed with us and we squeezed in as much as possible. Robert and I also attended Loren and Julianna's wedding, which was beautiful. Hunter was in a funk all weekend, but as of yesterday seems to be happier. Glad to see my guy smiling again :)