Happy 2nd birthday to my baby Hunter! Every day Hunter does something that cracks us up and this age is more fun than I thought it would be. While we have meltdowns here and there, Hunter is pretty good at listening and seems to be pretty mellow (toddlerwise).
He is talking a LOT! A lot of what he says we don't understand, but some days he will spit out a full on sentence that we clearly understand.."mama I give baby wywy his milk" "mama I do it" "daddy I pooped" etc.
I think he weighs about 27lbs (only 9lbs more than Wyatt!) and not sure how tall he is. We have his wellness check in September so we'll know more then.
Hunter is a pretty good eater. I suppose we could increase his veggies but he loves all fruits, tofu, quinoa/rice, cheese, milk, raisins, and of course snacks.
We havent started potty training yet, but plan to do it soon. With Wyatts arrival we didnt want there to be too much going on, but I think we have all adjusted and feel ready (kinda) to get him out of diapers. I will be honest though, I am not excited about the mess :/
Sleepwise, Hunter is still a superstar. He goes to bed at 7pm and wakes up at 6:30am. Sometimes he wakes a little earlier if he hears Wyatt, but even then he will hangout in his crib and chat with Elmo :)
We love you Hunter and so proud to be your parents. Happy happy birthday!