Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Baby #2 - 27 Weeks

Happy third trimester to meeee. I feel like I've been in it for awhile now so I am happy it's finally here. No news other than the usual exhaustion and over all feeling of being brain dead. Oh, besides insomia - that kicked in and really helps with being tired all the time :)

I am looking forward to maternity leave. I need a break from work and can't wait to meet this little guy and spend all day with a newborn. A smooshy, sleepy newborn. 

Our homework from the pediatrician is to buy a babydoll for Hunter to get him used to having another baby around. So you will find us bottle feeding and holding fake babies in the near future.

Baby boy two now weighs 2lbs and is 14.5 inches long. He is compared to a cauliflower this week (hmm). 


  1. Robert got Bert and Ernie when Melissa was born! Love the photo with him playing in the background!

  2. Hunter has no idea how much fun is ahead!!
