Saturday, July 26, 2014

Baby #2 - Weeks Five to Twelve

Weeks 5-12 have flown by. It's hard to believe I am through the first trimester already. 

I am definitely showing a lot faster the second time around! After our NT scan at 12 weeks I decided to spill the beans to my coworkers since it was quickly becoming difficult to hide. Feels nice to get the news off my chest! 

Here are some pictures from the last two months. 
Yes, four of them. Still unreal.
Big brother to-be!

Friday, July 25, 2014

Family of Four

We are very excited to announce that Hunter is going to be a big brother! We found out June 7th that I am pregnant with baby #2, due February 6th. It was a big surprise, but we are very thankful to be adding another child to our family.
Hunter shared the news with his grandparents by wearing a shirt that says "Big Brother" - so happy I got the reactions on video! 

Early Morning Slidin'

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Vacation Mode

Our annual Riedel Tahoe trip is almost here and we could not be more excited. My brain has been on vacation mode for about a week now and work is really getting in the way! This is the trip we look forward to all year and we are super excited to have Hunter along for the ride. 
We'll probably skip boozing down the Truckee River and swap it for kiddie time and reading by the pool/lake, which is fine by me.
Cheers to a week at the lake!
Pictures from 2012, as I was busy having a baby during last years trip ;)

Sneak Peak

from this weekend...

Sunday, July 6, 2014


Last weekend we went camping for the day with the Andersen's. Hunter loved his personal sized bath. Was a beautiful day!

Eleven Months!

As of this weekend, we have finally hit the stranger anxiety phase. I was hoping Hunter would kindly skip this milestone, but he graced us with his moodiness this weekend. I've been told it lasts for a couple months and I hope that it's not longer because it makes socializing awkward and frustrating. 
Weight: guessing around 22lbs
Teeth: 7
Milestones: pulling up on everything, cruising, talking up a storm (finally says mama!), threw his first tantrum, stranger anxiety, mindful playing with toys, peekaboo, mimicing certain things (blowing bubbles, choochoo, clapping). 
Biggest change? He is showing a more difficult side of his personality. This is very new so I am not sure how bad it is going to get but I am dreading losing my happy and easy Hunter. Let's hope it passes quickly :)
Hard to believe this guy will be ONE in a few weeks! 

Fourth of July 2014

Happy 4th of July! We had a nice weekend with the families and enjoyed the beautiful weather. Spent a day at Carmel beach with some friends for Hunter's very first beach day. He wasn't 100% sold on sand but seemed to enjoy himself otherwise!