Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Hunter - 17 Month Update

Originally I was going to wait until 18 months to update, but so much has changed over the last couple of months I wanted to write it down so I have something to look back on.

Hunter is a totally different kid these days! It seems like every night Robert and I are playing with him and Hunter will say or do something completely new and random. We have no idea where he learns some of this stuff! His language is exploding, his physical skills are improving, and overall he is such a kid in his own little world - tantrums and all.

I can't even count how many words he is saying now, but he is starting to piece them into sentences. Some examples: 
Dada, no sit (after telling Hunter he needs to sit on the couch)
Kitty cat, blah blah blah (obsessed with Kenya right now)
I love you - goodnight, niiiiiiight mama, niiiiiight (as he kisses me goodnight through his crib rail. The sweetest part of my day)
He is obsessed with my belly button, and I have no idea where he learned this, but he pokes it over and over while squealing "babyyyy! babyyy!" We never taught him that there was a baby in my belly, so we don't know how he is associating the two. It is so funny - I included two videos below (click bottom right corner to enlarge).

He got a baby doll for Christmas that he LOVES. He carries it around, shares his milk, and gives it hugs and kisses goodnight. Then he gets distracted and throws him on the ground, BUT the hugs and kisses are a start and I think he will be a great big bro.
Things Robert and I are adjusting to: tantrums, "no!", and occasional picky eating.

Hunter has 11 teeth (one more molar to go, thank goodness), weighs about 23-24lbs (little guy), wears 12-18 months (though depending on the brand can be too big), size 5.5/6 shoe, and still sleeps 7pm-6:30/7am with a 2-3 hour afternoon nap.

We've been taking him to the park lately and he seems to love it. He is slow to warm up with lots of people, so when it's busy out there he tends to be cautious and we have to encourage him to play. When we have the park to ourselves he goes crazy and loves it. It's sweet to watch him take everything in and literally see him learning.
Hunter bug, we love you so much. Sometimes you scare us with your newly-toddlerlike-behavior, but your sweetness makes any hard day a million times worth it.


  1. How fun to see how much he is growing and developing!! Becoming such a little man over night! Fun to watch him giggle with you while he poked his baby brother in your belly! ❤️ Such a happy boy!!

  2. Can't believe what a "kid" he's turning into .. I love it!
