Monday, September 19, 2016

34-36 Weeks - Baby #3

This pregnancy overall has been a little different than the other two and has proved true again with false labor. The other night Robert and I were sitting on the couch and I started feeling like I did the same night I went into labor with Wyatt. I kind of panicked, as nothing was really ready for the baby (car seat, hospital bag, a name, etc.) and we didn't have a plan for the boys if I were to go into labor. Talk about third child/pregnancy problems.

On Saturday I was home all day alone with the boys and it was an insane day - just one of those disasters of a day that involved a lot of poop, spills, booboos, crying, comcast guys working on our house for over three hours, fighting, and overall insanity - all while having contractions and cramping. I am wondering if this baby is going to tease me for the next four weeks (no thank you!).

Needless to say, I hopped on Amazon over the weekend to order a few baby essentials, since we lost all of our newborn items, packed the hospital bag, and installed the car seat base. 

I had an ultrasound today and baby looks great! He is measuring 6lbs 7oz and on track to be about 8lbs, if he comes on my due date. Baby was super active during the ultrasound and the doctor was really happy with all of his measurements (head, belly, legs, etc.) and positioning (he is head down and ready to go). We saw his cute little butt chin and chubby little cheeks - just like his brothers! 
Beyond excited to meet this little man and for his brothers to meet him <3

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