Friday, August 1, 2014

Hunter is ONE!

Happy Birthday big boy. Thank you for making me a mama and for bringing so much joy to our lives. 

I spent a long time digging up these monthly photos, as I seemed to have taken a million photos over the last twelve months and locating them on my computer wasn't as easy as I thought it would be (thank you smart phone)! It was fun to look at each month and see the changes in Hunter's size, development, and personality. 

The month that really took me back was the first month of Hunter's life - he was so helpless and tiny! Now we have an active and opinionated boy that makes us laugh daily. Looking back at photos brings back all of the memories of those first nights home with him and how proud and excited we were to have our newborn baby. A common complaint from new parents is that the first couple of months are hard, exhausting, and not very rewarding, but I feel just the opposite! The first couple of months with Hunter I felt like I was running on adrenaline and beaming with excitement daily. Now that he is getting into everything he is harder to keep up with, which in turn, is more exhausting for me. Either way it's a reminder to cherish each month, regardless of its challenges, because time is fleeting - everything in baby-land is a short stage - and before you know it, a year has gone by and BOOM - you have a one year old. 

Trip down memory lane...
What a fun year...bring on toddlerhood (now I'm scared).

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