Saturday, October 11, 2014

Six Years

Happy 6 year anniversary, Robert! 
There isn't anyone else I'd choose to be my partner and father to my kids. 
I love you very much and look forward to many more years together! 
Here are six things I love the most about Robert:

1. His ambition. 
There is no stopping Robert. Whether it's school or work, 
he is constantly challenging himself. 
A trait I hope is passed down to our children.

2. His dedication to me. 
No matter what, Robert is always supportive and makes me feel loved. 
I feel his dedication to our marriage on a daily basis. 
I don't tell him enough how much it means to me. 

3. His openness. 
I can suggest pretty much anything and Robert is open to doing it. 
Hike? Sure! Museum? Sure! Poopy diaper? Sure..

4. His frugality. 
I wouldn't say I love this, but I love why he is frugal. 
He is a provider and wants a comfortable lifestyle for his family. 
I appreciate this. 

5. His positivity. 
I am constantly amazed at Robert's ability to see the positive in every situation. 
He is able to let negativity roll off his back and see the best 
in people. Everyone could use a lesson on this and I am thankful 
to live by his example on a daily basis. 

6. His role as a father. 
Hunter is a LUCKY kid. 
There is no shortage of love, laughter, tickling, and support. 
Robert was born to be a dad. I love watching him in action. 

Thank you for your ambition, dedication, openness, frugality, positivity, and ability to 
love our kid(s). Most of all, thank you for loving me and choosing me as your wife.  
Happy 6 years to us!


  1. What a beautiful tribute to your husband! Makes me proud of the man, husband, father and friend he is. Happy Anniversary to two loving people!
