Thursday, April 2, 2015


We had a fun weekend! 
Friday we went to a bbq at the Taylor's house. Wyatt and Hunter got to hangout with their friends and we got to catch up with Jessica and Nick. I always say this but I love seeing the twins with Hunter because even if it's only been one month it seems like the kids have changed so much. Hunter was riding their bikes and reading their books. 
Wyatt was wide-eyed the whole time, but didn't fuss so that was nice. The twins older sister is a baby whisperer and held him while we enjoyed dinner.
Saturday we went to the shopping center and let Hunter run around while got a new iPhone (dropped mine, wahh) and tried on some dresses. We got trapped at home in the afternoon because Hunter ended up taking a four hour nap!
Sunday Adam and Kaila came over for brunch and the boys all got to hang out - so fun and I am mad I didn't snap more photos. Wesley tested out the Johnny Jumper and the exersaucer. I can't believe how fast these guys are growing already. And then Quincey and Kahinu visited in the afternoon - I don't get to see them enough these days, thanks for the visit guys.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for brunch (and for providing entertainment for Wes) - we had so much fun!!
