Saturday, December 15, 2012

My First Posting

This is my first posting (Robert). I apologize for any misspellings and grammatical errors in advance.  I was reading some articles this morning on how to share/support your wife's pregnancy.   I want to be the best dad and husband; I have lots of work to do! Here is an update on my progress.

#1 Pay attention:  Working hard on this one, I have been better at noticing non-verbal queues.
#2 Be there: Think I'm doing good in this department.
#3 Get healthier, too:  I'm eating salads 4 out of 7 days a week. I'm starting to enjoy the taste of beets. I still think they taste like dirt.  A coworker asked me the other day how I knew what dirt tasted like, and I didn't have a good answer. As you can see from the picture, it's more of a veggie bowl with cottage cheese and tofu than a salad.
#4 Love her changing body: My wife is the most attractive woman in the world. I need to remind her of that more.
#5 Go the extra mile: Need work in this area. Trying to do more things without having to be asked. Dishes are my worst enemy.  I'm a laundry expert.
#6 Memorize the route to the hospital: haha; I have this one down!!!
#7 Be a partner in labor:  I'll need to start working on a bag of items for the hospital. Music? hmmm
#8 Shop, talk, and make lots of decisions together:  Check, Check, and Anna is always right! :)
#9 Prepare for your new life as a family: I can't wait to be a good dad, husband, father, oppa (korean) and padre (spanish). 

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